About Us

A truck accident lawyer from CAR ACCIDENT SUPPORT GROUP can always sue and fight for your rights. Attorneys know the highway rules and how to apply it to your proceedings to prove negligence. Your attorney will use this knowledge to determine which laws were broken by the negligent party, how the breach caused the accident, and how the negligent party was liable for the damage you only out.

Insurance companies often offer payouts that go well beyond reasonable amounts. This is to avoid legal proceedings that can cost hundreds of dollars. Having an attorney on the side lets them know whether it’s good to accept the offer or to ignore it. Inattentive driving is the number one concern for the safety of road users. In fact, this is more of a concern than anything else that worries motorists, such as drunk driving and bad weather. Definitions of inattentive driving and penalties for drivers vary from state to state.

A Car accident lawyer from CAR ACCIDENT SUPPORT GROUP with experience in road traffic accidents can help balance the competition in dealing with insurance companies. They know the strategies insurance companies use to reduce compensation for road accident victims.